What is the relationship between ketogenic and cancer?

Nowadays ketogenic diet and cancer have become one of the hot topics in the world of diseases because despite the continuous advances in medical science in the field of rapid diagnosis and even early treatment of cancer, this disease is still one of the most frightening diseases that affect human health.

Therefore, doctors are looking for an effective way to treat this disease.

In the past, researchers thought that cancer is a “purely” genetic disease and no other factors are involved. But over time, they came to the conclusion that other environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle play an important role in occurrence of this disease.

According to surveys in 2017 in America, obesity is one of the most important causes of cancer and is closely related to this disease. Therefore, choosing a suitable diet can be effective in the recovery and growth of cancer cells.

New research shows that the anti-cancer effect of keto diet has a negative effect on the growth of tumors and limits the growth of cancer cells due to the reduction of insulin levels in people’s bodies.

To get more information about the treatment of cancer with keto diet, we suggest you follow this article until the end.

What is the effect of ketogenic diet on cancer?

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, according to reliable sources. This disease is usually treated and controlled to some extent with treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.

But many studies have shown that a low-carb ketogenic diet can also have positive effects on cancer.

Of course, this sentence does not mean that you delay your treatment with the ketogenic diet. But you can discuss the issue with your doctor along with the treatment of the disease and get the maximum benefit from the ketogenic diet.

According to American researchers’ studies in the last few years, metabolic changes can play a role in reducing the negative effects and symptoms caused by cancer.

Meanwhile, keto diet leads to creation of a metabolic state called ketosis by reducing the significant amount of carbohydrates in people’s diet and replacing them with protein and healthy fats.

This condition lowers the level of insulin in the blood and thus helps to inhibit cancer cells.

Is it possible to cure cancer with keto diet?

It is interesting to know this important point that cancer cells produce ten times more glucose and seventy times more lactic acid than normal cells for growth and reproduction.

Thus, the reduction of blood insulin and entering to the ketosis has a great effect on the control and treatment of this disease. Therefore, ketogenic diet helps to treat and control this disease by reducing tumor growth and even starving cancer cells, which we will explain below.

How does keto diet help in preventing and treating cancer?

To answer the question of what is the anti-cancer effect of the keto diet, it is better to note that many cancer treatments are designed with the aim of changing the metabolic process of cancerous and normal cells.

On the other hand, all cancer cells have a common and unique feature: “They feed on carbohydrates or blood sugar and in this way they continue to grow and multiply.” So, when you use a standard ketogenic diet, your body’s metabolism changes and your blood sugar levels drop.

In other words, keto diet starves cancer cells, and over time, these cells lose their resistance and are more likely to die and grow even more slowly.

The effect of keto diet in the prevention and treatment of cancer does not end with these few lines. This diet can help in the treatment of cancer through several other processes such as: reducing the sources of carbohydrates in the body and this greatly reduces the rate of tumor growth and cancer progression.

The main energy source in the ketogenic diet is fats (ketones). But since cancer cells are unable to use ketones as fuel, they run low on energy and subsequently reduce the growth and size of tumors.

As we mentioned earlier, a standard ketogenic diet significantly lowers carbohydrate intake. This problem causes the nutrition of cancer cells, which are glucose, and when it is limited, thereby reduces the growth of tumors in the body.

For which cancers is the keto diet useful?

The Strongest Keto Diet Evidence is about Glioblastoma; the most common type of brain cancer, which helps to control and even cure this disease by slowing down tumor growth.

In 2010, a research on the effects of glioblastoma treatment and the ketogenic diet was conducted in which a 65-year-old woman followed a standard ketogenic diet after surgery for her tumor.

While she was on a ketogenic diet, no signs of tumor progression were observed. But after ten weeks and returning to a normal diet, he observed a significant increase in tumor growth.

Except this cancer, ketogenic diet also has a positive effect on the treatment and control of other cancers, including lung, pancreas, colon, prostate, ovary, and rectal cancer.

Most people who have a certain underlying disease, especially cancer, cannot follow a diet.

But the ketogenic diet has removed this restriction and supports these patients in their diet plan.

The only thing that people suffering from or prone to cancer recurrence should remember is to definitely use a basic and standard ketogenic diet and be sure to discuss the matter with their specialist doctor before taking action.






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